Humairaa Hoosen

Project Advisor

As a Project Advisor, Humairaa contributes experience working on the African continent as well as expertise around climate change, ESG issues, agriculture, and healthcare to Three Cairns Group. In this position, she focuses on human capital initiatives including Allied Talent Partners (ATP) and early-stage project finance through Allied Climate Partners (ACP), and ensures that Three Cairns Group emphasizes the kind of development that centers people.

Before her time at Three Cairns, Humairaa worked for two years at McKinsey & Company as a Business Analyst out of Johannesburg, South Africa. She previously spent a year as an Associate Consultant at The Consulting Academy, and has interned at both Kearney and McKinsey. She earned her Bachelor of Commerce in Information Systems and Finance from University of the Witwatersrand, her Bachelor of Arts (Hons.) in Sociology from Sol Plaatje University, and her Postgraduate Diploma in Business Administration from the Gordon Institute of Business Science Business School.

Humairaa joined Three Cairns Group because of the organization’s commitment to inclusive, green development – and because of its potential to empower local women and youth.